Mussels with tomatoes

Amounts of mussels with tomatoes: -
Half a kilo of mussels - 2 tbsp minced onion
Salt and black pepper - papers Laurie
4 garlic cloves, minced - 4 tablespoons olive oil
3 tomatoes - a cup of water
Tbsp tomato paste - tbsp chopped parsley
Tbsp tomato paste - tbsp chopped parsley
Way to prepare mussels with tomatoes: -
We clean the mussels well and remove hairs and wash thoroughly with water and salt to remove sand from the inside and then we transfer it in a pot and add a chopped onion, salt and black pepper and paper lorry and two cups of water and let the mussels boiled for 15 minutes until puffed we liquidated and separate the meat from the coincidences then we leguminous garlic with olive oil and peel tomatoes, cut into small cubes and then we add the garlic and we turn them over a little bit with the addition of salt and black pepper and leave concentrated a bit, then mix tomato paste with water and add it to it and then move it a little bit and then we add the chopped parsley and then we add the mussels peeled and covered by leaves mussels tomatoes over low heat for 20 minutes and then offers mussels with tomatoes hot.
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