
fried squid recipe

                         Fried squid

amounts Fried squid : - 

8 small beads Squid
3 cloves garlic
Piece of fresh ginger
½ teaspoon white pepper
5 tablespoons oil
2 Hot Red Pepper
2 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon salt Chinese

Way to prepare fried squid: - 

We prepare the components of squid fried and then we cut off the head of a squid and cleans the inside and then boiled with a teaspoon of salt for a quarter of an hour, then leave to cool and pull the skin fingers and then turn the squid and cleans well and then we cut the squid into rings width of 1 cm and then mince garlic with a teaspoon of salt and white pepper, ginger and pepper to taste and salt Chinese then marinate squid rings out and leave for at least one hour until imbued squid from amalgam then oil is heated and placed him squid marinated and stir for 10 minutes until the fried squid and becomes a golden color then lifted squid fried oil and placed squid fried in serving dish and garnish offers fried squid.

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