
yemen food

                                       bint al sahn recipe

Ingredients bint al sahn:-

4 cups flour - a tablespoon yeast - teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs - butter or margarine my - black bean - salt

How to prepare bint al sahn:-

Knead flour, salt, yeast and baking powder with water only and then leave the dough until you relax a little bit and then kneaded again until we get a soft dough and coherent at the same time cut the dough into small circles so that it is getting twenty pieces at least cover the pieces with a plastic and left to ferment we rinsing dish butter or margarine rigid except the parties even stuck to the dough we flex cutting and extended on the hands that we get a piece of high- and large then extend the first piece in a saucer on to be the outskirts of the dough is thick and then we spray margarine over each piece must take into account that we extend all the size of the biggest piece of that before we get to the outskirts of the dish to another and then another piece of paint the egg yolks and is decorated with the black pill we enter the oven and can be cut up and served with tea And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni

                                    Cakes Rumi  recipe

Ingredients : -

6 cups flour - 2 cups flour Rumi - 2 cup butter or margarine 
Tablespoon yeast - 6 eggs - cup milk - salt 

How to prepare :- 

Knead all ingredients until we get a cohesive dough and then leave until the dough ferments cut into small circles and are formed by the desire then paint the interface cakes egg yolk can be decorated with the black pill and then placed in the oven And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni

                                      Cake Croix  recipe

Ingredients : - 

Ten eggs - ten tablespoons flour 
One teaspoon baking powder - a little bit of vanilla for flavor 

Method of preparation : - 

Add baking powder and vanilla to flour, mixing well and then fail egg yolks, then add to the flour and then fail egg whites and then add it to the rest of the components fail all ingredients together beats well and then placed in a dish and enters the oven after take it out of the oven directly added diameter him and prefers eating cool And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni

                                    chicken zurbian rice

Ingredients chicken zurbian rice:-

Chickens - two cups basmati rice 
cup yogurt - 2 potatoes cross-section 
2 medium onions - Oil 
Bharat sound Hill and cinnamon and black pepper
Salt and ground Bharat - garlic - dyed rice 

How to prepare chicken zurbian rice:- 

Fry chicken in oil and add his onions and Tom and spices are all even become semi-mature and add potatoes, yogurt and leave even sits potatoes and then in a bowl enters the oven put the ingredients are all with rice and add water as needed rice, cover the pot well and put it in the oven until cooked rice, add a tinge then we make incense as I explained previously And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni 

                                           zurbian edenic 

Ingredients :-

Kilo of meat with bones ( medium sized pieces ) 
2 cups basmati rice basmati - 2 large onions Size
3 pills just peeled potatoes - grated garlic 
1 cup yogurt and text - Text cup oil, or as needed
Salt meat ground spices - spices sound ( Hill - Carnation - latency 
Black Pepper - Cinnamon - a few saffron ) 1 teaspoon rice dyed yellow

How to prepare :-

Soak the rice for a period of half an hour soak saffron little water soaked tinge little water cut onion into slices long and fry in oil until yellow color and put it aside , then fry the meat in the same remaining oil with onion chopped , then add salt and stir until dry water meat Then add it spices ground and yogurt , garlic, potatoes and saffron and add a little water as needed and simmer until it becomes a mature without broth in a pot last boil water with spices sound and salt and add the rice even be half mature and half rice from the water and add it to the meat of mature and sprinkle it dyed rice and fried onions and keep the fire quiet and prefers coal to the cooked rice and completely before applying a little action must incense cedar or incense Alzurbian Preheat charcoal fry until onion and put the crust in the center of Alzurbian and few of them take Ember margarine and put the center of ghee and cover the pot well so as not to leak the smell of incense for 5 Dqaig then guest evaporation and things we offer in a wide bowl and cut the meat over rice and hot offers And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni

                                        Mendi Yemeni

Ingredients Mendi Yemeni: -

2 cups rice - 2 onions, sliced ​​section of
Sheep thigh - 2 teaspoon minced garlic
Text cup lemon - teaspoon hot pepper
A set of non- ground spices ( cinnamon, cloves Hill )
Little bit of saffron - salt and pepper as needed

Method of preparation Mendi Yemeni : -

Cut meat and wash then seasoned with lemon , garlic , salt and black pepper in addition to the chili and leaves on the fire for an hour and a half Wash the rice after being soaked in water for a quarter of an hour and placed in a pot on the fire blush onions well , then add him rice placed rice and onions in the oven tray , then add to them cups of warm water and jacketed Chinese aluminum foil can work openings in aluminum foil placed the pieces of meat after liquidation then cover sheet aluminum seconds tightly placed Chinese in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour , you can then take out the pieces of meat and fry in ghee or placed in an oven tray and opened fire from above in order to redden meat put rice in a serving dish and describe it cut the meat and serve. And enjoyed with the cuisine Yemeni

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