middle eastern desserts

Chocolate Cake


Ingredients : -

Cup flour Luxury text - the text of a cup of sugar - ¼ cup oil
Cup milk liquid - teaspoon vanilla - three eggs
Four teaspoons baking powder small Bacong - Text cup cocoa powder over

Precious amounts : -

Three envelope Dream Whip - Qamr one - cup liquid milk
Cut strawberries to decorate - Cocoa powder for the face

Method of preparation : -

 In mixer juice mix sugar and oil well add them three eggs and mix then add the vanilla and liquid milk and cocoa powder bitter and mixture well bring the flour in a bowl and mix with baking powder and then set the mixture to the flour and mix Suspended well that sits in our Cake Mix cocoa Ndhn cake with oil and set the mixture and introduce the oven to be cooked and sits equip precious confuse Dreambox Web with Agaymr with liquid milk, regardless of whether we have a mixture dignified heavy and smooth cut staffed from text and Crumbling two take the cake Pyrex and , publishing in which one part of the cake well add stones it and then put it second part of the Cake and Surveillance well and pitching well above the rest of the mixture to publish it precious cocoa powder and cut strawberries To adorn
And enjoy middle eastern desserts

Strawberry cake


Ingredients : -

6 pieces Swissroll Strawberry Cake ( piece 60 grams)
4 cups frozen strawberries - ½ 1 cup hot water
 2 strawberry jelly bag ( the bag 85 gram ( - two-thirds cup sugar
 1 packet Qamr ( caddy 250 ml (-1 cup Weeping cream
 12 Kerry grain cheese - sliced ​​fresh strawberries for decoration

 Preparation method : -

Cut the cake into slices and stacked layer in the form of a moving half the base layer on the other aspects of the template vertical melted jelly and sugar in hot water and put the fire until it boils and put cheese Agaymarw Weeping half the amount of cream and strawberry jelly and a glass of record in an electric mixer and mix well pour the mixture into the mold and placed in a freezer until consolidate about half an hour put the remaining quantity of strawberry jelly mixture in blender and mix well , pour the mixture over the cheese mixture and covered with nylon and placed in a refrigerator full day out the dish from the refrigerator and the FAFSA aspects of the mold and placed in a serving dish and decorate with slices of fresh strawberries and placed in the refrigerator until the time of submission

And enjoy middle eastern desserts

 Konafa stuffed with apples and cinnamon


Ingredients : -

 2/1 cup melted butter - 2/1 cup castor sugar
2/1 cup sliced ​​almonds fragmented - 250 grams Konafa

Padding : -

 2 tbsp butter - 1-2 tablets a big apple - 4/1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon - 2 cups whipped cream

Method of preparation : -

 Preheat oven at a temperature of 180 m and Jhazee templates Cupcake in a deep bowl Put the butter , sugar and almonds and stir well put Kenafa in a deep bowl , distributed by a mixture of butter and sugar and mix to be distributed well on the filament Kenafa take some whiskers Kenafa and put them inside the mold to cover the bottom aspects and become the shape of the cups still fit the oven for 12-15 minutes until slightly Fry . Let them into the mold to cool completely in the meantime, cut the apples into small cubes in a pan and wide Heat the butter well and then add the apples , sugar and cinnamon and toss to that softens the apple a little bit and then let it aside to cool and distribute the whipped cream on the nests Kenafa and apples over the stones and progress  
And enjoy middle eastern desserts



 Ingredients: -

24 disk Qatayef - 1 cup crushed hazelnut - 1 cup crushed almonds
2/1 cup sugar - 1 tablespoon blossom water or rose water - A cup and a half Qatar
 Oil for frying fat or obesity to the template as desired in the way of cooking Alktaev

Method of preparation : -

Mixed nuts and almonds with sugar well and add the orange blossom water or rose and a spoonful of syrup even hold together a little put a tablespoon of the mixture padding in the middle of Alktaev so that the cooked from the bottom and then closes the disc in the form of a semi-circle and wet the parties with water and squeeze it well and make sure there there is no filler apparent heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat and fry Alktaev until golden brown , then remove from the oil , or paint the template oven a little butter or margarine or margarine and then stacked disks Alktaev stuffed and placed on top of each disk a little butter dipped tablets Alktaev fries in diameter and then lifted and placed in a colander to get rid of any diameter plus stacked in a serving dish and can Alktaev fat shortening and stack them in sheets ( tray ) and bake in the oven until the blush , then watered drink warm

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 Mussels Sham


 Ingredients : -

2 cups water - 1 \ 2 cup oil - 1 \ 2 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour - 5 eggs - oil for frying - cool sorbet

Method of preparation : -

Put oil and water in a pot on our medium until boiling and Sift the flour and salt and add the flour mixture to the oil and water at once , stirring until well composed dough Lin baste do not stick fingertips bowl Remove from heat , then add the egg first with a whipping so badly in harmony mixture then add the second takes into account when adding the eggs are not added until after the disappearance of the effect of the first egg until it is finished the amount of eggs with a whisk until we get a homogeneous mixture , then pour the dough in the bag Pastry Mussels Sham private Mussels Sham and heated the oil well and then put pressure on the bag by hand and cut mussels Sham scissors near the oil and leaves even blush and the process is repeated , taking into account not to put a large amount of mussels in oil Sham once removed from the oil and then placed on a paper towel and then placed syrup and filtered appliques and felicitously 
And enjoy middle eastern desserts



 Ingredients : -

 6 cups sifted flour - 1 cup milk - 1 cup powdered sugar
Egg white - Vanilla - pistachios or almonds to decorate

Method of preparation : -

Beat margarine spoon wood or bat electricity until it becomes brittle add sugar to it gradually continue whisking until it becomes the mixture such as stones and batters egg whites with vanilla with a fork and add the mixture and former fail ingredients well and add the flour gradually and stir amount without let alone even composed a smooth paste can Formed constitute a the small balls and placed inside nuts and stacked modules are spaced in a baking sheet and bake in the oven until it is quiet Thermal maturity , taking into account not discolored raise exotic Teak after finally cooled
And enjoy middle eastern desserts



Ingredients : - 

 900 grams semolina - 450 g sugar - 300 grams of water
 125 grams heavy sherbet - 75 grams coconut     

1 tablespoon margarine Baladi - bag vanilla

Method of preparation : -

We mix all ingredients together well and volatility are then placed in a bowl and put it
Almonds or pistachios Beauty and then enter the oven at a temperature of 160 for half an hour And syrup is hot when he graduated from the oven and then progress felicitously

And enjoy middle eastern desserts

Summit judge


Ingredients : -

Half a cup of starch - a spoon to eat Brewer's yeast - 2 cup flour
Warm water to knead - teaspoon salt - oil for frying
Tablespoon sugar - Heavy sorbet - a cup of water
Cup sugar - vanilla - teaspoon lemon 2

Method of preparation : -

  Mix all ingredients appropriate quantity of warm water and be a cohesive dough
And sticky and then left to ferment for half an hour. Heat oil in heavy skillet deep
The dip teaspoon dissolved in water by a little salt, then fill up dough And placed in the pan closely by the volatility of the thumb until it becomes a two-sided Color golden pulling out of oil and put in sherbet and then pulling out the volatility ment and progress Hot

And enjoy middle eastern desserts

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