Korean kimchi
Ingredients : -
2 cabbage or lettuce - 5 green onions - half onion
Option - Islands - White radishes - spices - 100 grams of salt
4 tbsp chili powder (red pepper)
3 cloves garlic, crushed - 2 tsp sugar
Spoon sauce kimchi - 5 grams ginger, crushed
Method of preparation : -
Wash the cabbage and cut easily cut off and soaked in salt water for two hours, get out of the cabbage water and put it in another bowl, then mix remaining ingredients with the cabbage and leave for a full day and then put the mixture in the refrigerator until the day the next day
And enjoy in the Korean food
Korean raman
Ingredients : -
Text onion - garlic cloves
6 chicken slices - soy sauce
Mukhallat vegetables - mushrooms mushrooms
1 package spaghetti pasta
Method of preparation : -
Climb pasta and cut the onion and mushrooms and garlic finely and then put all of the above in the pan and add a small amount of olive oil and is cooked over low heat add some herbs and fry the chicken in the skillet Other Note Make sure that the maturity of the chicken, then add soy with chicken and cook for minutes and then add the vegetables and mix together
And enjoy in the Korean food
Korean rice cakes
Ingredients : -
2 egg yolks - butter cup - cup sugar sifted
Spoon Hull crunched - Scrambled egg whites slightly
2 large cup crushed rice - cup finely chopped pistachios
Method of preparation : -
Mix butter and sugar until the mixture turns into a light and fluffy cream , then gradually add the egg yolk and a little scrambled Sift the milled rice with cardamom and add to the mixture to form a soft dough , then kneaded for about two minutes , then cover the pot and leave the rest for one hour take to fill a teaspoon of dough and shape into balls and then put the balls on the plate oven is greased and are doing three menisci on each cookie paint cakes a little of the egg white and sprinkle with a little bit of peanut or finely chopped almonds then bake in a moderate oven heat for 15 minutes, do not let the surface blush rule must be red and leave it on the plate oven for 5 minutes then remove to wire rack to cool completely
And enjoy in the Korean food
Albulkoki famous
Ingredients : -
600 Beef - one onion
Different types of vegetables as desired or as available for decoration
Amounts of sauce : -
4 tablespoons soy sauce - a tablespoon sesame oil
Tablespoon garlic powder - tablespoon minced green onions
2 tbsp sugar - a pinch of salt and black pepper
How to prepare : -
Cut meat sizes medium of any size to the top of one Chop the onion slices cut green onions sizes medium and oval to give a beautiful sight Mix all the materials for the work of the sauce bathes the meat section in the sauce and mix by hand until saturated meat Sauce placed the pan on the fire of a strong first and pour over the meat saturated Sauce to dry including water and meat sits slightly underestimate the fire and put green onions with continuous stirring then lifted from the fire and pour into a bowl presentation and can dress up with some lettuce or greens as desired, where the meat is placed inside the lettuce and eaten
And enjoy in the Korean food
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