
lebanese food

                              Lebanese chicken with rice

Ingredients :-

3 tablespoons olive oil - 4 chicken breasts ( deboned and skin)
4 onions ( clip cubes ) - half a kilo beef or sheep ( minced )
1 tablespoon garlic ( minced ) - 2 teaspoon cinnamon ( ground )
1 teaspoon Mixed spices ( ground ) - 4/1 teaspoon pepper ( crushed )
4/3 teaspoon salt - 2 cups long- grain rice
3 cups of chicken stock - 2 tbsp parsley ( minced )

How to prepare :-

Heated butter on high heat in the cooking pot with a thick base ( better to have a metal ) cooked chicken breasts quickly on their sides until they become golden brown lift the breasts from the pot and set aside Add the onion , beef or minced lamb to the cooking pot itself cook until all begins onions and meat acquisition brown , then add garlic and cook for a minute or two additional add cinnamon, allspice and pepper and cook all quickly for two minutes while stirring stir the rice to make sure mixing well with the oil and spices , then placed the chicken breasts with rice pour the marinade , cover the pot with lid tightly or with paper aluminum. All cooked in the oven heat to 375 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes lifted the pot from the oven and sprinkle with chopped parsley and almonds and roasted pine nuts . And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                                   Sayadiyah fish with rice

Ingredients :-

2 tbsp oil ( for frying )
2 tbsp pine
3 onions ( sliced ​​)
U.S. rice 2 cups ( washed )
2/1 teaspoon turmeric
4/1 teaspoon Bharat problem
Salt and pepper to taste
2 chicken stock cube ( dissolved in 3 cups hot water )
4 white fish fillets ( cod or haddock )
3 tablespoons flour / flour impressive to cover the fish

How to prepare :-

Heat oil in a deep frying pan and fry the pine until acquires brown in color . Pine lift from the pan and set aside Add the onion to the same pan and fry until brown add the rice , turmeric, spices , pepper and volatility even be covered rice well- oiled Add MAGGI ® Chicken and boil all of them and then relieve the heat cover the pan and simmer for 20 minutes in the meantime , covering the fish with flour and fry at maturation rice , add pine nuts , stirring quietly unloading rice in a flat dish and put the fish on it , food is provided with the power problem and tahini sauce And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                                        Rice with spinach

Ingredients :-

4 tablespoons oil - 4/1 cup pine
500 g mutton or Beef ( minced ) - 1 onion ( clip )
4/1 teaspoon Mixed spices - pepper ( to taste )
1 cube chicken broth - salt - 3 cloves garlic ( crushed )
1 tbsp coriander ( ground ) - 1 cup fresh coriander ( chopped)
1 kg fresh spinach ( washed and coarsely chopped ) - 3 tbsp lemon juice
1 chicken stock cube m ( dissolved in a glass of water)
3 tbsp lemon juice

How to prepare :-

Heat two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and fry the pine until acquires brown in color then lifted pine perforated spoon and set aside Add the onion to the same pan and fry for 5 minutes add the meat and half the amount of spices Workshop pepper and cubic - less salt and cook all simmer until the meat is heated the rest of the oil in a pot to cook and add the garlic, ground coriander and volatility of all for a minute add half the meat mixture , coriander and fresh spinach to the pot , then cover and simmer until the broth spinach added a cube chicken broth , lemon juice and the rest of the spices and another workshop pepper cook all on low heat for 2/1 hour food is served with rice with embellishing the remaining meat mixture and pine And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                                Marinated eggplant tehena 

Ingredients : - 

1 kg eggplant - 1/2 teaspoon salt 
And half a lemon tart and a half lemon 
1/2 cup sesame paste - 3 cloves garlic 
Tablespoons of water 

Method of preparation : - 

Grilled eggplant on a strong fire when it cools peeled and mashed beats garlic, salt and lemon juice is added to them and mix ingredients well add this mixture to the eggplant and stir well, then add the tahini to the eggplant and mix all ingredients Pour in a dish and then decorated with little finely chopped parsley and sprinkle it a little cumin powder and serve. And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                       Eggplant cooked with oil ( submerged )

Ingredients : -

1 kg eggplant round or small - 5 small onion
1 kg ripe red tomatoes , peeled - 15 garlic cloves, peeled
2 tablespoons of lemon juice - olive oil for frying
1/1, 2 tablespoons and half a spoon of salt - Workshop condiment
1/2 teaspoon dry mint

Method of preparation : -

Peel eggplant and cut pieces medium-sized fried eggplant with oil , then fry the onion and garlic until tender and a little blush Peel tomatoes and add to the eggplant and sprinkle with salt and pepper and lemon over all ingredients placed eggplant with previous articles on medium heat and add the 3 cloves garlic, spices with mint everybody can add a half cup of chickpeas soaked previously to the material if he so wishes when it starts eggplant boiling reduce heat and leaves for 20 minutes without moving until cooked eggplant lifted from the fire and pour in the dish served cold And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                                Stuffed Grape Leaves ( oil )

Ingredients: -

2 ounces of grape leaves - 4 bunches parsley
2 onions - 3/4 cup rice washed - 2 lemon juice
Some green mint leaves - a tablespoon of salt
3 large red tomatoes capital - Workshop condiment
1/1, 4 cup and a quarter cup of olive oil

Method of preparation : -

Chop the onion finely and rubbed with salt and spices, grated tomatoes, parsley , mint, finely chopped mixture is added to the washed rice and stir well . Then add the olive oil and lemon juice and stir all these ingredients well Tharika Peel potatoes and cut rings and arrange in the bottom of the pot still veins grape leaves excess from the bottom and wash placed the amount of water in a pot on the fire until boil put the paper in batches in boiling water then lifted off supplies paper on a plate and put it a little padding , and the folded sides and damaged. (See figure) describes the grape leaves after that stuffed in the pot above the rings potatoes and compact dish a small addition to the paper broth padding and a cup of water even drown the paper and cover the pot is placed on the fire of moderate heat until boiling , then reduce heat for an hour or until tender offers cool and decorated with rings of tomatoes. And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                               Potato salad green coriander 

Ingredients : - 

1/2 half a kilo of potatoes 
Fourth quarter cup of lemon juice 
Teaspoon salt 
1/2 cup half of the green coriander grinder 
4 cloves garlic 
1/4 cup of olive oil 

Method of preparation : - 

Climb the potatoes and peel grated potatoes to small squares peeled garlic and beats with salt added lemon juice and oil to the garlic fine and stir added blend sour oil and garlic to the boxes of potato and move well grated green coriander after being washed and added to the potatoes and stir served cold. And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine


Ingredients : -

3/4 cup of cracked wheat - 5 bunches of parsley
1/2 kilo tomatoes - one bunch mint green
2 large onions - 3/4 cup olive oil
Juice of 4 lemons sour - 3 tablespoons salt
Pinch of black pepper condiment Workshop

Method of preparation : -

Pan bulgur well and wash and then filtered add the lemon juice and set aside minced parsley , mint, chopped very finely and wash the mixture and filtered refinery soft chop the tomatoes finely and add to the bulgur mince the onion finely and rubbed with salt and pepper and black pepper Mix all the vegetables with bulgur and add the olive oil to the mixture adorn tabbouleh with leaves of lettuce or cabbage And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine


Ingredients : -

Half a loaf of Arabic bread or toasted crusty
1/2 kilo option - meanness medium-sized
1/2 kilo tomatoes - bunch radishes - 5 cloves garlic
2 lemon juice - 3 tablespoons of vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil - a bouquet of mint green
Onion and green one - a bunch of parsley and a bunch of watercress
Tablespoon of salt

Method of preparation : -

Grated vegetables finely and add and mix well beats garlic with salt and add to the garlic, lemon juice , vinegar and oil and stir well Add the mixture of garlic to the vegetables and stir well sprinkle a little sumac on Fattoush and offering breaking bread definitely medium-sized and placed in a bowl and served with fattoush placed where on the face of the dish before communion . And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

                                     Tablets fried kibbeh

Ingredients : -

Kg of meat - Kilo fine grit - one onion - 6 cups oil for frying disks
2 tablespoons of salt - 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Padding : -

7 onions - 2 ounces of chopped meat
Cup margarine or vegetable oil
Workshop seasoning , a pinch of cinnamon
Tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoons of sumac
Cup of chopped walnuts

Method of preparation : -

Mince meat finely very mill meat twice purified bulgur of stones and pan and drain water grated onion finely and kneaded by hand with the meat , add spices to the meat and bulgur wheat and knead the mixture well and mince the meat grinder add a cup of cold water gradually to paste a kippah during kneading by hand when the dough becomes cohesive and sticky , leave aside covered with a damp cloth so as not to dry out in the meantime attend fillers and mince the onion finely and put butter in the skillet , and add the onions and set over medium heat, add the spices and meat to the onion and stir the mixture well on the fire for 15 minutes remove from heat and add chopped nuts and sumac to the mixture and stir well kippah divide dough into pieces the size of a small egg , if desired Kubba small or cut into the size of the largest custom hollowing each piece finger clicking it resulted in the drive tray until the amount of the kippah Put the oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat . Heat the oil and when disks are placed one after the other (depending on capacity of the pan ) and move two minutes after dumping into the hot oil when Fry drives , raise a spoon holes adorn many disks mint leaves and eaten hot with cucumber salad with yogurt or salad greens problem And enjoyed with the Lebanese cuisine

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