
recipe crepe suzette

                         crepe suzette

amounts Crepe Suzette : - 

6 crepe - sugar - 100 gm butter
2 orange juice - juice of one lemon
Orange humans to adorn

Way to prepare Crepe Suzette: - 

We prepare components Crepe Suzette and then bring the frying pan and put out the sugar and leave it on the fire until it melts and when it starts to turn to caramel add him lemon juice and orange juice and stir the caramel until imbued juice to get the caramel blonde and add him butter and let the juice on the fire until impregnating and then put the pies Crepe Suzette from both sides in the juice record one after another, then folded pies crape into two and wet juice and then folded back to four and wet well juice then add orange remaining on Crepe Suzette then lifted Crepe Suzette from the fire and placed Crepe Suzette in a serving dish and garnish Crepe Suzette human beings orange The Crepe Suzette.

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