cold meat

Amounts of cold meat: -
Sweat meat weight of 2.5 kg
10 cloves garlic complete
Paper Laurie - Salt and pepper
Way to prepare meat cold: -
We prepare the components of the meat cold and then we work incisions depth of 2 cm inside the sweat meat then We incorporate garlic cloves every crevice and then we put salt and black pepper as desired and then we bring the tray round and placed sweat weft cold and then add the water rise 2 cm inside the tray and then covered Chinese well and leave on the fire for an hour and then reveal after the hour mark and enter the Chinese meat cold oven for gaining brown for another 15 minutes and then get out the meat cold from the oven and leave to cool then cut we cut the meat cold sliced thick half cm and we provide the meat with cold mashed potatoes and sauteed vegetables.
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