spinach cannelloni

Amounts of spinach cannelloni: -
Cannelloni 8 - 25 g butter - 300 g spinach
115 g melted cheese - 25 gm grated Parmesan
60 g Pati poultry smoker - nutmeg
2 tablespoons fresh cream - 2 scrambled eggs
White pepper - salt
For béchamel spinach cannelloni: -
25 g butter - 25 gm flour
300 ml milk - 2 Paper Laurie
Sprinkle nutmeg
Way to prepare spinach cannelloni: -
We prepare the components of spinach cannelloni and then we prepare the béchamel We dissolving the butter then add the flour and then flips well and then unload the milk and then add paper lorry, nutmeg, salt and white pepper, then leave to boil then remove from heat and taken away from her paper lorry and then we cook cannelloni half cooked in salted water then placed on a clean towel and dry then we prepare fillers melt the butter then add the spinach and then Remove from heat and add the cheese melted and Pati poultry section of small cubes and then fill the cannelloni filling, by bag Pastry then placed a tablespoon of béchamel in the bottom of your dish, then arrange the spinach cannelloni together and then pour the bechamel sauce over it and then sprinkle with Parmesan and then it still fit the oven at a temperature of 195 for 40 to 45 minutes and then come up with spinach cannelloni from the oven and serve.
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