curry shrimp recipe

amounts Curry Shrimp : -
Kilo shrimps Average Size
40 g butter Diced
Clove garlic minced
Tbsp curry powder
¼ cup flour
2 cups milk
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon paprika
Tablespoon vinegar
Way to prepare Curry Shrimp : -
We prepare components Curry Shrimp then peel the shrimp, leaving the tail and then melt the butter in a saucepan average and put the onion and stir until wilts, then add garlic and curry and flour and stir on the fire that is wrapped in onion flour raises much of the fire and add the milk gradually and nutmeg and paprika and stir until blend the mixture well and becomes soft, then stir the mixture on the fire that boils the mixture becomes thick, add shrimp and vinegar and stir the fire for two minutes or until it becomes the color of shrimp and pink then leaves Curry Shrimp on the fire until cooked and then submit Curry Shrimp.
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