ginger fish

Amounts ginger fish: -
500g white fish fillet poached
6 cups water - 4 tbsp butter
½ cup flour - cup Archana
2 tbsp grated ginger
Teaspoon garlic mashed
Cup grated yellow cheese
Cup Islands clip rings and poached
200 gm boiled broccoli
Salt and spices as desired
Way to prepare ginger fish: -
We prepare the components of ginger fish and then make Rob White of flour and butter, then add the ginger and water cook the fish, spices and precious then painted pot oven buttered and minced garlic, then add the fish, carrots, broccoli and placed upon the sauce and distributes cheese grated on the face and then get into ginger fish to the oven until the color becomes cheese brown ginger fish and then comes out of the oven and put in a serving dish and provides a ginger fish.
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