
orange coconut cake recipe

              orange coconut cake recipe


Amounts of coconut cake with orange :-

3 eggs
½ cup flour
a cup and a quarter cup of sugar
2 cup butter, softened
Humans orange
3 \ 4 cup orange juice
teaspoon Baking powder
Teaspoon vanilla liquid
half a small spoon and milk powder

How to prepare coconut cake with orange : -

Rub the bottom of the cake mold circular deep or template rectangular deep and tossing a little flour dissolves milk with orange juice and add them to the vanilla and baking powder Mix all ingredients together in a deep bowl thoroughly mixed bat manual then empties the mixture into the mold record placed the mold in an oven temperature of 180 ° C for approximately 45 minutes leave the cake to cool and consolidate before her heart , cutters and progress .

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