
chicken with apples recipe

                   chicken with apples

Ingredients :-

4 chicken pieces
8 slices apples
4 small onions
cup Archana liquid
tbsp vinegar
tbsp olive oil
125 g white rice
3 tbsp butter
Salt and pepper to desire
parsley to adorn his

 Method of preparation :-

We prepare the components chicken with apples and then we put oil and a tablespoon of butter on the fire and then fry the chicken by cutting, filtrate and set aside, then fry the onions in the same pot until tender and then re-chicken to it again and season with salt and pepper, then cover the pot and leave for quarter of an hour on low heat with stirring from time to time and then boiled rice to the rest of the butter and season with salt and pepper and let simmer until then add apple slices to the chicken before cooking ten minutes and when cooked Winchell chicken and apples, then add the vinegar and leave to boil for a minute then add cream volatility until we get the sauce homogeneous then placed chicken with apples a serving dish and add the rice with him and then pour the sauce and garnish with chopped parsley chicken with apples and apples offers chicken hot.

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