
chicken teriyaki recipe

                             teriyaki recipe

Chicken teriyaki amounts: -

750 g chicken breast
2/1 cup soy sauce
2/1 cup white sugar
4/1 teaspoon grated ginger
2 tablespoons vegetable oil large
garlic cloves, crushed 2
tbsp starch
tbsp water
4/1 cup vinegar
Salt and black pepper

way to prepare chicken teriyaki: -

We Prepare chicken components teriyaki then we mix sugar with soy, vinegar, starch, water and garlic sauce, then season with salt and pepper and mix well then cut chicken breast into thin slices and placed in the mixture and leave for half an hour and then the oil is placed in a pan on the fire and then add the chicken strips and stir chicken teriyaki until it changes color, then add the mixture to him and leave the chicken teriyaki on low heat and simmer until the sauce then condense offers hot chicken teriyaki .

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