
italian pastry recipe

                                chicken pizza italian recipes

Ingredients chicken pizza italian: - 

Basil, finely chopped 10 sheets - 3 tomatoes, peeled and cut into cubes 
Tablespoon liquid cheese - a box of sliced ​​olives - a box of pizza sauce ready 
Piece of pizza dough ready - 250 grams minced meat -2 onions, peeled and clip 
2 chicken breast, cut into cubes - 4 garlic cloves, peeled and 
2 green pepper, cut into cubes - Islands clip into cubes 
Grated mozzarella cheese - 2 colored peppers cut into cubes 
Box of mushrooms sliced

Method of preparation chicken pizza italian: - 

Blush meat with half the amount of onions, tomatoes and half the amount of basil and blush chicken with the rest of the amount of onion, garlic, green pepper, carrots and the rest of the amount of basil mix the sauce with cheese liquid well and then single out the dough in the Chinese put the chicken on the sides of the dough Manfred sauce on the center of the dough and add the meat and then pepper colored mushrooms and olives and then wiping aspects of dough egg yolk and then put the pizza in the oven for 20 minutes over medium heat, get out of China after the maturity of the dough and Manfred mozzarella cheese fry them from the top until cheese melts And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

                                      Italian calzone pie

Amounts of dough : - 

2/1-2 as flour - tbsp yeast 
Teaspoon salt - tbsp sugar 
4/1 cup olive oil - 1 cup warm water 

Amounts of filling : - 

Sliced ​​onion - sliced ​​mushrooms - sliced ​​bell pepper 
Pizza sauce or ketchup ready - sliced ​​salami 
Mozzarella cheese + cheddar yellow - egg

How to prepare the dough : - 

Mix ingredients dry with some amount of flour do not we add all but first only 2 cups, then add the liquid and mix in the end, add half cup flour depending on the dough leave in warm place for an hour or until double in size, and the uniqueness of the shape of circles rather large and fillings And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

Padding method : - 

Paint circles Add the sauce and then gradually mushroom pepper then phalanx and two recent cheese parties and damage paint the egg and the intervention of a hot oven until tender And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

                           Pie Italian chicken and vegetables

Ingredients : - 

The dough 
1 teaspoon yeast - 1 tablespoon sugar 
2/1 cup water - 2 cups flour - Pinch of salt 
3 tablespoons powdered milk Vellore 
4/1 cup oil - egg 
For stuffing 
2 tablespoons oil - onion, chopped - 2 chicken breast small pieces 
1 cup Falafel Romans colored small cubes - 1 small potato cubes 
1 small diced carrots - 2/1 package sliced ​​mushrooms Goody - Salt and pepper to taste 
Bharat problem -4 / 1 cup grated mozzarella - 4/1 cup grated Cheddar cheese

Method of preparation : - 

The dough 

In a small bowl, Dissolve yeast and sugar in the water and let him brewed for 10 minutes. In Kenwood mixer, combine flour, salt, powdered milk, oil and egg and yeast mixture and Work the for 5 minutes or until the dough is made up of soft and elastic. Put them in a greased bowl, cover and and and let it ferment in a warm place for an hour or until double in size. 
For stuffing

In a saucepan on the fire, heat the oil. Hamri onion until tender. Add the chicken and my heart 3 minutes or until it changes color. Add the vegetables, salt, pepper and spices, and my heart for 5 minutes. Lift from heat and let him cool down a bit. Add the two types of cheese and my heart. 
On a floured surface, unfold the dough to a thickness of 1 cm rectangle. Use a sharp knife to cut the sides segments with a thickness of 2 cm center-left intact. Spread the padding along the middle. Cover the dough fillers heart slices alternately one side over the other. Tighten the closure of the dough up and down. Put them on a greased tray. Grease the surface with milk or beaten egg and sprinkled with sesame or black bean. Bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes or until golden. Serve hot or warm. And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

                                    Pizza Italian sausage

Ingredients: - 

Pizza dough - corn flour to spray - and a half cup tomato sauce 
Salt, pepper - 1/2 teaspoon red pepper - 8 pieces, cooked sausage 
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese 
2 tbsp crushed garlic (optional) - ½ cup basil leaves blueberries

Method of preparation: - 

Heat oven to 500 Celsius or 500 Fahrenheit sprinkle flour on the surface and put half of the dough by hand and then form a circle and then hating uniqueness on floured surface until very thin circle published oven tray, then turn the corn flour to the dough Then put over half the amount of tomato sauce and sprinkle with salt, pepper and red pepper and half the amount of garlic and sausage and basil leaves and half the amount of cheese and then put them in the oven for 10-12 minutes and provide immediate And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

                                   Italian pizza with fish

Ingredients : - 

2 cups flour - ½ teaspoon yeast normal 
Spoon soup and half olive oil - salt - egg - warm water 

The amounts of the sauce : - 

4 fresh tomatoes - green peppers 
Red pepper - tbsp tomato sauce - salt - thyme 
Tablespoon olive oil - a tablespoon sugar semolina 
100 gm fish fillets and evaporator section into small cubes 
100 gm mushroom - 100 grams minced red cheese - olive green and black

Method of preparation : -

Prepare pizza dough put flour in a large bowl with the yeast , salt, egg , oil and warm water and mix all the elements well to get a cohesive dough , covered well and put in the fridge to rest for half an hour . During this period, we prepare the sauce put a frying pan over medium heat where there is a large spoon of olive oil , tomatoes, ground and spoon tomato concentrates , salt, sugar , thyme, leaves all to cook over moderate heat , stirring occasionally , then stretch the dough in a Chinese metal after her mind with butter and pierce brushing so as not to swell when cooking, put the tomato sauce over the dough and then put fish pieces and pepper green and red after cut into small cubes then placed the Chinese in the oven for 30 minutes He graduated and then sprinkle over the green and black olives , then returned again to the oven about 5 minutes and serve. And enjoyed with Italian cuisine

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