
pastries in french

                                French bread with cheese

Ingredients : - 

300 g flour - 50 g sugar - egg 
7 g of yeast - 60 g butter 
150 ml milk - salt 
To decorate
30 g butter - 4 of soft cheese 
Eggs - lemon peel - 40 g sugar

Method of preparation : - 

Dough: - 

Mix all the above ingredients well until we get a soft dough and then let it rest for a full hour 
Padding: - 

Melt the butter first, then set aside to cool and then add a cheese, sugar, lemon peel, and we are asking the dough prior to a thickness of 3 mm and 4 put padding inside paint the egg yolk in order to fry well and then still fit the oven for 10 minutes And enjoyed with French cuisine

                                   french croissants recipe

Ingredients french croissants:-

3 slices of puff pastry dough - 3 medium onions
12 pills without olive seeded - 2 tablespoons parsley
Egg - salt - black pepper

Method of preparation french croissants: -

Blush onion in the butter until the color golden then lifted from the fire added olives and parsley , salt, black pepper and leave the mixture to cool cut each chip dough into two parts and then each section to 5 triangles placed padding at the base of each triangle and damage the dough toward the head then folds a little to take the form of Crescent paint the Chinese buttered croissants and then placed them and then enters into the fridge for half an hour then paint each piece croissant with eggs scrambled and then bake in the oven until the blush and swell and then progress And enjoyed with French cuisine

                                french sweet bread brioche

Ingredients french sweet bread brioche: - 

500 grams of white flour - a pinch of salt 
200 grams of soft butter - 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar 
A tablespoon of yeast bread - 2 eggs - a pint of milk 
Whipped egg for decorating

Method of preparation french sweet bread brioche: - 

In a vase confuse the flour with the salt caves and both the center and add the butter, sugar, yeast and eggs unload the milk gradually, stirring until we get a homogeneous dough and then rub well divide the dough into three equal parts turn every part to a long rod and then put three bars Wraps brioche over oiled oven tray and let it gestating for about an hour painted eggs scrambled and introduce the heated oven 180 degree heat for half an hour And enjoyed with French cuisine

                                   lemon brioche recipe

Ingredients lemon brioche: - 

3 eggs - eggs yolks 1 cup butter, melted 
Cup milk - cup lemon juice - cup sugar Snead 
3 tablespoon yeast - 2 teaspoons vanilla - 50 g yeast CHEMICAL 
8 cups flour - salt 

Method of preparation lemon brioche: - 

Mix eggs, sugar, butter, milk, lemon juice, salt, vanilla and yeast are added and Chemical flour mixture with yeast three desserts even get a homogeneous paste and soft characterize the dough into balls to taste then set aside for a period of After two hours on the table that ferment well we press them a little paint balls and egg yolk intervention in a hot oven And enjoyed with French cuisine

                                      french tart recipes

Ingredients : - 

2 cups water - 2 cups white flour 
2 cups milk powder -1 cup sugar 
2 eggs -1 tablespoon instant yeast 
1 teaspoon baking powder - a pinch of salt 

Method of preparation : - 

Put all ingredients blender, electric and mix well for a period of not less than 5 minutes left in the same blender ferment for a quarter or a third of an hour, then pour in the Tray tart cake after Fat Tray little oil and the intervention of the oven 5 to 10 minutes then flips to the plate and stuffed with filling and progress And enjoyed with French cuisine

                                     French apple tart

Ingredients : -

Olive oil or vegetable oil - one teaspoon cinnamon
Cup sugar - a box of parsley or dill
3 tablespoons honey - teaspoon vanilla

Method of preparation : -

Heat oven to a temperature of 425 ° paste is applied on the surface with some flour lived up to make a circle 12 inches and then placed on a tray Pizza 12 inches and then mixed with sugar and cinnamon together, sprinkle one tablespoon of the sugar mixture on the dough arrange the apple slices on the dough , from the outer edge of the dough to center , then cut the apples and sprinkle with sugar mixture is baked at a temperature of 425 ° for 30 minutes, mixed with honey and vanilla in a microwave safe bowl for 40 seconds wipe the hot apple mixture using a brush honey food and serve hot . And enjoyed with French cuisine

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