
turkish bread recipe

                                        Peynirli Pogaca

Ingredients : - 

4 cup flour - 1 pack yogurt 
2 large hanging sugar -1 teaspoon salt 
Egg - 2 tbsp oil 

Method of preparation : - 

Knead all ingredients until well get a homogeneous dough dividing the dough Core small and covered a few minutes Karwa lived up of dough on a floured surface for batting is a white cheese mixed with turkey and cheese pinch of black pepper And enjoyed with Turkish cuisine

                                     turkish bread recipes

Ingredients turkish bread: -

Egg yolk for the face - 2 tbsp yogurt
2 tbsp olive oil - 3 cups white flour
Cup warm milk liquid - 2 teaspoon instant yeast
2 tbsp warm water - teaspoon salt
Teaspoon sugar - spoon Nescafe
Sesame and cumin mixture 0.2 tbsp

Method of preparation turkish bread: -

Mix yeast , sugar and warm water and leave them for 10 minutes in order to ferment mixed flour now in a bowl large with all of the yeast and milk, yogurt and olive oil together until we get the dough homogenous and non-adherent sprinkle with a little flour during the kneading put the dough in a bowl greased with little olive oil, cover well and leave to ferment in a warm place for two hours Get out the dough and then put a little hand until you return to its original size and cut into three pellets equal uniqueness of the pellets to become circular and a thickness of 1 cm and cover and leave in order to rest for a quarter of an hour the other put circles of bread in the oven tray on paper, butter and necrosis slightly tipped fingers and wiping the face mix egg yolks and Nescafe then the publication of sesame and nigella on the entire face of the loaf protects the oven at a temperature of 200 C and put the tray loaves on the middle class to the oven and place on the bottom layer and a pot oven with water boiled for Acquistion of mellowness beautiful bread bake loaves for 25 minutes Serve hot . And enjoyed with Turkish cuisine

                                      turkish borek recipe

Ingredients turkish borek: -

8 leaves Gelash - 2 eggs - 300 ml milk - 150 ml corn oil or olive for padding
1 l large onion finely chopped - 4 cloves garlic , crushed - a small piece of butter
225 g fresh spinach - ½ teaspoon each of paprika sweet and hot red pepper
Pinch of nutmeg - 1 tablespoon flour Normal - 125 ml milk
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Salt and pepper

Method of preparation turkish borek: -

For the filling :

Melt butter in a pan and add onion and garlic until soft , add the spinach and pepper and covered for 2-3 minutes, then add the flour and milk and stir the mixture for the sauce smooth , then add the cheese and salt and pepper, then mix together the milk and oil Heat oven to 200 m in a bowl batters eggs with the milk and oil and anoint with oil tray oven rectangular aspects of low light and placed two thin Gelash with making parties Algelash cover aspects of China hurt a little coffee blends in the middle and distributes well- cut 2 papers Gelash strips and placed in layers alternately with a mixture of milk and then distributed spinach filling over it and then returned the ball with the rest of the milk mixture with a little of it left aside covers Chinese ČĂÎŃ Dual Gelash sound and paint the rest of the milk and a tablespoon oil Placed the oven for 45 minutes until the swell and become a golden color and served hot or cold . And enjoyed with Turkish cuisine

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