
indian recipes

Indian food fast Indian food lane Indian food chicken Indian food Biryani Indian food with vegetables And a group of Indian food We hope that you like it holds

Finest and most famous global cuisine

Chicken Biryani with yogurt

Ingredients: -

Basmati Rice - Chicken Number 1 - onions for cooking and decorations 
vegetable oil - a variety of spices to taste
Salt to taste - cinnamon and five beads Hill - mint and cilantro , minced
Biryani yellow dye for decoration - lemon juice ( spray face) - Rob cup Yogurt

Method of preparation : -

Dazzle chicken and and onions in the pot and put it Rob yogurt and spices , salt, cinnamon , cardamom, mint and coriander and move it quietly disappear until the smell of yogurt And put it in order not to intensify the water and put the chicken and move it and then leave it on the backburner and turn off gas and boiled rice with salt and cinnamon crumb and 2 Hill then filtered and then placed a quarter Rice in the bottom of the pot , then pour mixture Yogurt chicken and it covers my chicken rice and garnish with the rest of the above dye biryani and reddish onions , mint and lemon juice to publish it And get the most delicious Indian food

Chicken Tikka Masala

Ingredients: -

2 breast skinless chicken diced large - 6 tablespoons sauce Altica 
2/1 cup low-fat yogurt or skim - Spoon a large oil - onion cross-section 
garlic cloves, minced - piece fresh ginger grated - green pepper optional section
Tablespoon sauce Tomatoes heavy - a glass of water - one tablespoon lemon juice 
one tablespoon butter - salt

Method of preparation : -

Put 3 tablespoons of sauce Altica 4 tablespoons yogurt and grain of salt because the sauce Altica has the salt in a bowl and them well and add the chicken and leave it for Not less than one hour Less than one hour and preferably overnight marinade of the chicken is placed in Container and painted with butter and enters the oven until sits without packing Container means to be Chinese water pools dry up chicken During that enthuses the onion in the oil , garlic, ginger and green pepper for 5 minutes and add it the rest of the sauce and stir well Altica then add the sauce and then the water ... and leave for 15 minutes on low heat so that it cooks the comfort nor dry the water and then take mix in a blender and return to the same pot and add the rest of the yogurt, lemon juice and leave A bit on the fire and then placed him grilled chicken pieces and leave it on the fire for about 5 minutes then progress beside white rice or naan bread And get the most delicious Indian food

Tandoori meat

Ingredients: -

Kilogram of meat or clip greatness

Sauce: -

1 teaspoon minced ginger - 2 garlic cloves - salt
1 tablespoon powdered Tandoori - cup yogurt - 1 tablespoon oil

Method of preparation: -

Mix the sauce ingredients until then converge Soak meat sauce and Keep it in the fridge for two hours or the whole night Achoy meat over charcoal or in the oven and During the remaining barbecue sauce watered it and served And get the most delicious Indian food

Altka sauce

Ingredients: -

2 tbsp coriander - 2 tbsp cumin is crushed 
2/11 tablespoon garlic powder - a tablespoon Bharat Almasla
Tablespoon dried ginger, crushed - 2 Spoon Dried red pepper and crushed 
2/1 teaspoon turmeric - 4/1 teaspoon salt - a tablespoon dried mint 
red dye - 2/3 cup vinegar - 3/2 cup oil

Method of preparation: -

Mix all the dry material and grind until a fine powder to be mixed with lemon juice, vinegar and 2 tbsp water Heat oil and enthuse the mixture and stir constantly with him Over medium heat for 10 minutes and add a quarter cup of water and leave 5 minutes on the fire with constant stirring

And get the most delicious Indian food 

Chicken Curry

Ingredients: -

Half a kilo chicken without skin - 4 tbsp oil - 2 Onions chopped finely 
cloves of garlic, finely chopped - 2 teaspoon ground coriander 
2 tablets cloves - 2 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger 
cinnamon sticks Three -quarters cup yogurt - seeds Hull 
teaspoon paprika - ½ teaspoon hot pepper powder - ½ teaspoon Chmar seeds 
half teaspoon turmeric - ½ teaspoon cumin - salt
3 potato shell and diced - 4 tomatoes , hulled and chopped - 5 cups boiling water
Coriander leaves two curls of green And get the most delicious Indian food

Method of preparation : -

Heat three tablespoons of oil in a saucepan , Add the onion and half the garlic and ginger and cardamom seeds and cinnamon and cloves and fennel seeds and my heart until onions Add the paprika and coriander and cumin and chili powder and turmeric and Genuine and stirring until the oil is being loose mixture of spices descriptive Oil Add the milk with Mix and then stirring the mixture in a blender until the mixture is finely Fry onions in the rest of the rest of the oil Add the chicken and Genuine flipping for 5 minutes Add the Blended spice mixture and potatoes and tomatoes , and half a teaspoon of salt and boiling water and cook over low heat total of about one hour until the meat is cooked Add the vegetables and more salt to taste and dish Zinni, coriander , and offers And get the most delicious Indian food

Tikka chicken

Ingredients: -

8 chicken snapshot - Rob tray - 1 clove minced ginger - 1 clove minced garlic
1 clove powder, paprika - Sauce to taste - 1/4 cup lemon juice
Half Spoon coriander dried fine - salt

Method of preparation: -

Soak the chicken mixture at least two hours and then grilledAnd get the most delicious Indian food 


Ingredients: -

Kilo shrimps large size - medium onion, finely Minced - 2 garlic cloves furred - a mixture of spices
2 teaspoon red pepper - teaspoon cumin - teaspoon coriander - 1/2 teaspoon activities
2 tsp soft brown sugar - teaspoon spices - 2 chopped fruit hot pepper flakes - salt

Method of preparation: -

Boil shrimp in shell with the addition of a slice of lemon for 10 minutes and cooled And peeled fricassee Previous Ingredients, then add shrimp until fricassee them covered for 5 minutes over low heat and then reveals And strengthen the fire and stir until dry hundred And get the most delicious Indian food

Fatayer onions 

Ingredients: - 

2 cups flour Homs - 1 teaspoon baking powder - 1 cup chopped green coriander 
2 large onion, chopped coarse - 2 green peppers spicy minced - 2 \ 1 teaspoon red pepper 
1 small lick latency fine - 1 teaspoon turmeric - 2 \ 1 teaspoon seasoning problem 
Salt - cold water to knead 

Method of preparation: - 

Confuse the whole material with some add water gradually until we get the dough glossy we protect prolific oil and set the dough with a spoon like Algaymat not kept in shape with regular Taking into account the removal of excess dough from falling in the oil until the oil does not prevail And get the most delicious Indian food

Chicken chicken Karikari

Ingredients: -

1 kilo and half chicken , without skin - 4 tomatoes , hulled and chopped - 4 tbsp oil
2 cloves -3 potato potato shell and cut into cubes -2 Onions finely chopped
5 cups of boiling water - cloves of garlic, finely chopped - 2 teaspoon ground coriander
Finely grated fresh ginger tablespoons tablespoons - cinnamon sticks 
4/3 cup yogurt - Hull seeds of two centuries
Teaspoon paprika - 2 \ 1 teaspoon chili powder - 2 \ 1 teaspoon seeds Chmar
2 \ 1 teaspoon turmeric - 2 \ 1 teaspoon cumin - salt - leaves the two curls of green coriander

Method of preparation : -

Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan and add half the onion, garlic, ginger and cardamom seeds , cinnamon , cloves, fennel seeds and fry until onions Fry add paprika and coriander Cumin, chili We continue to frying oil until being loose mixture of spices descriptive oil and add the milk , stirring and Hits in the mixer until the mixture Fry onion , finely rest in the rest of the oil until Fry and add chicken and We continue to frying for 5 minutes add the spice mixture blended , potatoes, tomatoes and tomato half teaspoon Of salt and boiling water and cook over low heat for about one hour , until the meat is cooked and the vegetables add more salt and coriander Zinni And get the most delicious Indian food

Biryani meat

Ingredients: -

kilo clip meat cubes on average - 5 onions sliced ​​- half a bunch of cilantro
5 tablespoons fresh mint and minced - 2 pack yogurt - 6 cloves garlic, grated
4 hot green pepper - 2 tbsp fresh ginger and minced - meat cups water
3 tbsp curry spices - 1 teaspoon salt
Few Zln mixture with a quarter cup of lemon juice

Amounts cook meat : -

2 cups water - teaspoon salt - teaspoon Bharat CARAM Masla .

Amounts cook rice : -

3 cup rice - 6 cups water - 1 ½ tbsp salt - 1 tbsp cumin granules

Method of preparation : -

Boil the meat with Ingredients for a period of and a half hours and then filtered and keeps a glass of water and one blush meat and onions in oil lifted in the same oil with garlic, ginger blush green peppers, curry powder, stir everyone And leaves for 3 minutes and add the coriander with mint yogurt, then add the leaves on simmer for 20 minutes add the meat with Summa and leave for a quarter of an hour boil water with salt. Latency. And add to it when Boiling rice and leaves until tender , then drain the water from the rice and add onion to the meat mixture , cover and leave for 3 minutes and then placed raise half the amount of rice in the bottom of the average and then placed it mix Meat with spices then the remaining amount Of rice Pour the lemon juice over the surface with a mixture of saffron and placed under a pot, a piece of metal under Simmer for half an hour And get the most delicious Indian food

Cree chicken

Ingredients: -

1 and a half chicken clip small cubes marinated teaspoon turmeric - 6 onions sliced
2 tomatoes sliced ​​- 5 tablespoons cilantro, chopped - 5 cloves garlic, mashed
3 hot green pepper , chopped - 2 tbsp fresh ginger , minced - 4 bay leaves small cross-section
7 crushed kernels Hill - 7 poles cloves , crushed - 2 promises ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp salt
Half tablespoon ground cumin - half tbsp Geljlan crunched - 1 pack yogurt
1 teaspoon red pepper powder - 1 tsp turmeric - half a cup of water - diced tomatoes

Method of preparation : -

Fry onion slices with garlic, ginger , green chili pepper in a blender cup mix all of the diced tomatoes , yogurt and water and set aside , add diced chicken to the onion mixture and then flips Simmer for a quarter of an hour and mix the following spices and cumin , cloves, cardamom and bay leaf and cinnamon then add the chicken mixture and flips him add the tomato slices with turmeric powder Red Pepper then stir the mixture simmer for ten minutes , add red sauce with chopped green coriander , salt, chicken and stir everyone when applying Cree poured in a dish And tossing it cilantro for decoration And get the most delicious Indian food

Ndalu and shrimp and potatoes

Ingredients: -

2 kilo shrimp - 2 cinnamon sticks - 3 pills black pepper - 1 teaspoon turmeric and seasoning
2 onions, minced garlic clove, crushed -3 - 2 potatoes - 1 bunch of cilantro chopped
1 tsp spices - 1 teaspoon minced ginger Green
1 green pepper - 1 tomato - 3 teaspoons tomato sauce
3 tablespoons oil - 1 lemon Soda - 1 cup of boiled peas - 1 tbsp tamarind soaked in hot water

Method of preparation : -

Cleans the shrimp and then placed in a pot , cover with water and add all the spices turmeric and clove of garlic and half of the onions and coriander leaves and boil a little Drain shrimp and keeps boiling water Stir onion in a saucepan and sprinkle with a little water , then add the oil and shrimp and stir Tnm add potatoes, coriander , ginger, chili , salt , tomatoes and tomato paste and beans colander mix boiled and stir , then add the tamarind with 4 cups of boiling water to the mix Previous and add cinnamon , lemon and black leaves to boil And get the most delicious Indian food

Eggplant sauce with almonds

Ingredients: -

4 eggplants diced - 2 onion cut a small cross-section - 3 tablespoons yellow lentils
3 cloves garlic, grated - 4 tablespoons chopped green Cilantro - 1 green pepper Harv
1 cup water - half a cup of boiled and peeled almonds 
grain Hill 2 - 5 poles cloves - 1 teaspoon turmeric
8 laurel leaves - half a teaspoon cumin true - half teaspoon red pepper powder
Half a teaspoon of salt - a tablespoon minced ginger

Method of preparation : -

Boil the lentils and drain blush with green peppers, onion, chili laurel , coriander and green leaves for 5 minutes , add the eggplant cubes , salt and red pepper over low heat , then simmer for 3 minutes Add the lentils with water and leaves a quarter of an hour mince with cardamom , cumin, ginger and garlic and add the eggplant mixture boil then add the almonds and leave for 5 minutes on low heat And get the most delicious Indian food

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