Tuna Rice Au Gratin

Quantities of tuna Rice Casserole: -
250 grams of rice
2 tuna cans
2 tomatoes cross section
Green pepper Clips
Tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons oil
3 tbsp chopped parsley
Salt and black pepper and cumin
100G grated cheese
50 g of soft butter
How to prepare tuna Rice Casserole: -
We prepare cooking tuna and Rice Casserole components, and then put oil on the fire, then add the onion, green pepper and stir until tender, then add the tomatoes, cut and season with salt, pepper, cumin and leaves a little bit and then the tomato and half a cup of parsley water paste, add the tuna is added and then leave for five minutes and then cook the water, rice, butter and a pinch of salt to boil, then add to the sauce and stir well, then painted the mold and pour buttered oven mixture, then sprinkle with grated cheese and enters tuna Rice Casserole to the oven until cooked and reddens the face and then offers tuna Rice Casserole warm .
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