Stuffed crab

Stuffed crab amounts: -
6 Crabs
150 g pulp bread
Tbsp hot pepper clip
2 tsp garlic mashed
4 tbsp grated cheese
4 tbsp Archana
2 tbsp butter
2 teaspoon sauce
½ cup lemon juice
Way to prepare stuffed crab: -
We prepare the components of crab stuffed then climb crab over high heat for half an hour and then allowed to cool and then extract the meat of it and reserve the structure of the outside and then we put the butter in a large pan and then put the onion, garlic, pepper pulp bread and stones and crab meat section and stir over medium heat, then add the sauce and juice lemon then we bring the structures and crab are washed well and then we stuffing & Nuts then placed above the grated cheese and then enter the crab stuffed oven over medium heat and then placed crab stuffed in a serving dish and stuffed crab progress.
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