seafood pizza

Amounts of Pizza seafood: -
Pizza Dough
Tomato sauce
250 g squid
150 g peeled shrimps
Few mushrooms
150 g grated mozzarella
Oil - butter - salt and black pepper
Few powdered garlic
Way to prepare pizza seafood : -
We prepare components seafood Pizza and attend dough and then we wash the squid well and cut into circles and fry in oil with a pinch of salt and pepper and fry shrimp also the same way and then set aside and then we cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in the same skillet buttered and sprinkle it a little salt and black pepper with stirring and leaving aside then we Straighten tomato sauce on pizza dough and sprinkle over a little grated cheese and then describe the mushroom slices and then describes the shrimp, squid, and then sprinkle the rest of the amount grated cheese over it, and a little thyme and then enter the Pizza seafood to the oven until cooked and after he graduated Pizza seafood from the oven sprinkle a little powdered garlic and offers seafood pizza.
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