american pizza

Amounts of american Pizza : -
Pizza Dough
Text kilo tomatoes
Green and red pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp butter
150 g peeled shrimps
100g grated mozzarella
Salt and pepper - basil - thyme
Prepare way American pizza : -
We prepare components American Pizza and then we cut green pepper and red into slices and fry in butter with garlic and a pinch of salt and black pepper, stirring until softening then add them shrimp, peeled and mix the mixture to simmer a few minutes until cooked then cut tomatoes into half-circles and then describe above pizza dough and singled out above and pepper shrimp mixture evenly and then we sprayed the grated cheese over the pizza and sprinkle over American few thyme then we enter an American pizza to the oven until cooked and then get out of the American pizza oven and decorate a little basil.
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