
molokhia recipe

                            molokhia chicken recipe

amounts of molokhia chicken : -

1 average of chickens 
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 cinnamon sticks 
2 diced onion quarters
Paper Laurie - water 
tablespoon hot pepper
juice of one lemon 
20 garlic cloves, soft clip
6 cup Securities Molokhia
Cup diced cilantro 
3 tablespoons butter pure

way to prepare molokhia chicken : -

We heat the oil on the fire and then fry it the chicken on all sides, then pour water over it even covers the chicken and leaves on the fire until boiling with removing the foam from the surface and then add the cinnamon and paper lorry and 2 onions and leave the broth to simmer for 40 minutes until cooked chicken raising chickens marinade and leave to cool and then take away the bones of them and set aside we liquidate the stock and then pour in as much as the last and leave on the fire again until the boil then add the mallow to the marinade and leave it on the fire until boil reduce heat and leave the broth to simmer, then add chili pepper in a small saucepan dissolve butter and fry with garlic and coriander chopped until tender, then add the garlic to the mallow and simmer to boil for 10 minutes until cooked mallow, then add to it the lemon juice and then put the chicken meat Chelates to mallow leaves on the fire to boil for 5 minutes then remove from the fire and provide Molokhia chicken and served with rice, molokhia chicken.

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