lamb shawarma

Amounts lamb shawarma : -
Sheep thigh freshly unfolded and boneless and fat overload
Seasoning mixture lamb shawarma : -
A large spoon of each of cinnamon and crushed red pepper and cumin and Hull
Shatta and salt and black pepper and cilantro and sweet pepper and nutmeg and cloves, crushed
Preached 2 average size of an orange
humans 2 to an average of one lemon - lemon juice
Arabic Gum teaspoon crushed with salt
bundle of cilantro, finely chopped
way to prepare lamb shawarma : -
We mix all the ingredients in a large dish and then placed thigh in the dish and let you good mixture of spices in every part of it and then we cover with a piece of plastic and placed in the refrigerator for a full day and then grilled over charcoal for 45 minutes to an hour, then remove from the Barbecue and covered with paper, aluminum and leave lamb shawarma for 15 minutes before and after the autopsy that offers lamb shawarma .
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