meatballs and rice

Amounts of meatballs and rice: -
250 g rice
250g minced meat
Onions - Tomatoes
4 garlic cloves
3 Paper Laurie
Thyme - Salt and black pepper
2 tbsp oil
Teaspoon cumin
Teaspoon tomato sauce
Packet mushroom - tbsp butter
Way to prepare meatballs and rice: -
We prepare the components of meatballs and rice and then put the grated onion and tomatoes grated in a vase and minced garlic, oil and paper lorry, thyme, salt and black pepper and cumin and fry everyone for 10 minutes then add the tomato sauce concentrated and blended with water and then in another bowl put the ground beef, salt and black pepper and stir well, then form to the balls and when the sauce is boiling add the meatballs and leave for 20 minutes then add the mushrooms and then we put rice in boiling water with butter and a teaspoon of salt and then put the rice meatballs in a serving dish and sauce over it and then offers meatballs and rice.
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