calamari rice

Amounts of calamari rice: -
250 g rice
Kilo calamari
3 tablespoons oil
3 garlic cloves
3 egg yolks
A box of fresh cream
Parsley clip
One lemon
Teaspoon curry
Thyme - Salt and black pepper
way to prepare calamari rice: -
We prepare the components of calamari rice then Boil rice in boiling water and drain and set aside, then we clean calamari then cut and fried with garlic, onion, salt and black pepper, oil and curry for 15 minutes, then add the water and leaves that cook and then add the rice and egg yolk and cream and parsley section and stir well then leaves on the fire for about 5 minutes and then placed the calamari rice in a serving dish and garnish with slices of lemon calamari rice and parsley section offers calamari rice hot .
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