burger recipe beef

Amounts of burger recipe beef : -
Half a kilo of minced meat - bread French bread ring
2 tomatoes - little green leaf lettuce
Potatoes - grated yellow cheese
burger recipe beef way : -
Cut minced meat in the form of circles and placed in a tray and put them in the oven for 20 minutes, divide the bread French bread one to two and put the leaf lettuce and a piece of meat and a little cheese, yellow and deep-fried potatoes and a piece of tomato is circular in shape and put the above piece of lettuce again and eventually put the other piece of bread and put pressure it provides.
burger recipe beef 2

Amounts of burger recipe beef : -
Half a kilo of minced beef - large onion, grated
Rusk cup - egg - salt - pepper - nutmeg
Cinnamon - one teaspoon crushed garlic
burger recipe beef way : -
Humification onion on fire to become a color transparent nor whistle allowed to cool and then add the meat, egg and breadcrumbs, garlic, salt and spices and hand-kneaded well formed by a round cutter and place freezer until use
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