
coconut cake recipes

                    coconut cake recipe

Coconut Cake amounts : -

2 cups flour - cup sugar - cup milk
2 eggs - ½ cup margarine - tablespoon baking powder
Teaspoon vanilla - cup coconut - 2 cups sugar
Cup water - lemon juice

How to prepare coconut cake : -

Mix sugar and margarine well add the eggs with the continued whipping add vanilla and baking powder, milk and three-quarters of the coconut, then add flour and turn the hand after the paint tray with shortening and set the mixture and introduce it in the oven medium heat After mature monument above the drink after boiling on the fire until we put a little hold on the rest of the face amount of the nut.

                   coconut cake recipe 2

Coconut Cake amounts : -

Large cup semolina - a large cup coconut 
a small cup of sugar - a small cup milk
Peking teaspoon baking powder 
quarter teaspoon yellow food color - two eggs

Sherbet : -

A small cup of sugar 
a big glass of water 
Workshop Saffron
½ teaspoon Hill 
a small cup oil

How to prepare coconut cake : -

Mix all ingredients well in a bowl and put the mixture in a Pyrex dish after lard little oil and flour is placed in the oven at 180 ° C after mature blush from top and cut into squares hurt diameter evenly over the cake and progress

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