
mexican tortilla bread recipe

              mexican tortilla bread recipe

Mexican tortilla bread amounts : -

3 cups flour - 1 \ 2 teaspoon baking powder
4/1 teaspoon salt -1 \ 4 cup margarine

How to prepare Mexican tortilla bread : -

Mix flour with baking powder and salt together and fails to cut margarine to small pieces and mix with the flour mixture in the perineum or rubbed with flour with fingertips added a cup and a quarter of warm water to the perineum is working to speed the slow payments leave the dough to a half minutes to mingle well in the perineum can also the kneaded by hand if the perineum were not present gathering the dough together and placed in a land of deep dish greased with oil. Transparent saucer covered with paper well leave the dough to rest for half an hour at least sprinkle a little flour on a smooth surface and kneaded the dough and divide something simple 8 or 10 Core small furnace and rolling cover and leave to rest for 10 minutes . The uniqueness of circles and covered the circle with a piece of transparent after the leaves painted sheet or pan with little oil and protects the fire placed circles bread tortilla that has been returned that previously on the sheet one by one and the volatility when the bubbles in the dough and reddens the bottom take less than half a minute on the tin flying tortilla and placed in The amount covered so as not to wipe oneself

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