
Hot drinks

                                       cappuccino recipe

Ingredients cappuccino cafe: - 

Cup milk - teaspoon Nescafe - Sugar to taste 

Method of preparation cappuccino cafe: - 

Milk is placed on the fire to boil pour the boiling milk in a blender with sugar and Nescafe And mix a little to show that the foam on the surface Hurt in the cups and sprinkle with grated chocolate over it And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                         karak tea recipe

Ingredients karak tea: - 

Three glasses of water - five tablespoons sugar (to taste) 
Cardamom - Milk (Rainbow) - 3 teaspoons 

Method of preparation karak tea: - 

Tea is placed on the fire with water add sugar to tea leaves mix boil over medium heat For five minutes. Raise much of the fire and cardamom is added with stirring. Pours the milk at the bottom of two cups And pour the tea over them drained Or can be added to the milk to a boil and the tea leaves for two minutes Drain and pour in tea cups. And enjoy the best hot drinks

                             Cinnamon Cappuccino Recipe

Ingredients cinnamon cappuccino: - 

Cup milk liquid - cream spoon - a pinch of cinnamon 
Nescafe spoon - a spoon of sugar (or to taste) 

Method of preparation cinnamon cappuccino: - 

Placed Nescafe, sugar and cream in a blender. Confused mix well. Added milk Hot to the mix in a blender and mix for a few seconds so as not to cool down. Pour the mixture into the cups. Sprinkle The face of a little cinnamon powder And enjoy the best hot drinks

                           Cappuccino with cream and vanilla 

Ingredients : - 

6 tablespoons milk powder - 4 tablespoons Nescafe 
4 tablespoons honey - 4 tablespoons cream 
Small tablespoons vanilla - Small tablespoons cocoa powder 
Sugar to taste - 6 cups boiling water 

Method of preparation : - 

Mix all ingredients in a blender for 5 minutes to get the foam. Hurt mix In cups and put a spoonful of foam on the surface of each cup. Sprinkle the face of a little cocoa powder Or Nescafe powder. And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                  Cappuccino Palmares 

Ingredients : - 

2 tablespoons Coffee Mate - spoon Nescafe 
Pill March - a pinch of cinnamon - cup boiling water 
Cocoa grated or Galaxy for decoration 

Method of preparation : - 

Alvarez cut into 4 pieces. Placed Kufi dead and Nescafe and two pieces of gammon, cinnamon and water On the fire and stir until it melts gammon Put the rest of the two pieces of gammon in the cup. Hurt combination Nescafe hot gammon in the cup Sprinkle a little face cocoa grated. And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                Starbucks cappuccino mix 1 

Ingredients : - 

The amounts of the liquid first : - 

Cup warm water - two tablespoons milk 
Icing Sugar to taste 

Amounts of liquid II: - 

Cups boiling water. - Spoon Nescafe 
Spoon cocoa - powder sugar to taste 

Method of preparation : - 

Amounts of liquid is placed in a vase first whipping, and fails to be formed foam. Put the mixture in a saucepan And raise the fire to climb up the foam. Batters amounts of liquid in a blender second. And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                    Cappuccino splendor 

Ingredients : - 

Kuban liquid milk - Small tablespoons Nescafe 
Small tablespoons Coffee Mate - teaspoon Nesquik 
4 tablespoons milk Rainbow - Sugar to taste 

Method of preparation : - 

Milk is placed on the fire to boil. Mix remaining ingredients except sugar and placed on Destiny Fire to boil the mixture. Blends with boiled milk mixture and mix the boiling liquid in a blender For two minutes in order to form foam. Hurt in the cups and sprinkle with grated chocolate over it. Served with sugar And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                       arabic coffee recipe

Ingredients arabic coffee : - 

3 cups water - 2 tbsp bin Arabic 
3 tbsp crushed Hull - 1/4 teaspoon saffron. 

Preparation method arabic coffee : - 

Put 3 cups of water in a pot on the fire to boil add the coffee and let it boil on low heat for 5 minutes and leave the coffee even leaving pour coffee in the jug and leave the coffee stagnant in the pot add the cardamom and saffron to the coffee pot and boil again before it is submitted

And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                     French Coffee recipe

Ingredients French Coffee:- 

2 teaspoon of coffee French - 2 teaspoon of milk powder 
1 teaspoon of cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons of sugar or to taste 
1 cup boiling water - Vanilla Workshop - Workshop cinnamon 

Method of preparation French Coffee: - 

Put the sugar, coffee, chocolate and vanilla, cinnamon and milk with boiling water and stir well raise the foam from the fire move with constant until the coffee boil then remove from heat and pour in the coffee cup adorned with little stones on the face and sprayed chocolate...

And enjoy the best hot drinks

                                     Italian coffee recipe

Ingredients Italian coffee: - 

Coffee cup sugar - a cup of Nescafe coffee - coffee cup water 

Method of preparation Italian coffee: - 

Placed in a blender until they become foam boiled milk by the desire placed teaspoon of foam in each cup and then pour the boiling milk from the top and then on the face of a little cocoa powder or a few of Nescafe And enjoy the best hot drinks

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