
Booth shrimp recipe

                             Booth shrimp 

The amounts of shrimp booth: -

300 g peeled shrimps
Large onion chopped
2 cups yogurt
1 cup liquid milk
3 tbsp flour
2 garlic cloves, crushed
3 tbsp oil
Salt and black pepper and Shatta

How to prepare shrimp booth: -

We prepare components the shrimp booth then we Boil shrimp and set aside while retaining broth then we flour mix with yogurt, milk and leave for five hours and then marinade on the fire developed and added to it the garlic and season with salt and pepper and chilli and leave until the boil, then add the flour mixture and leaves until boiling, then add shrimp and leaves a little booth shrimp then lifted from the fire and then we put oil on the fire then add the chopped onion and stir-fry until golden in color Then placed shrimp booth in a serving dish and garnish with onions and then reddish shrimp booth offers hot.

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