shrimp Pizza

amounts Pizza Shrimps : -
Pizza dough - Red Pepper
100g peeled shrimps
Tomato sauce
Clove garlic, minced
Teaspoon butter
Grated mozzarella
Olive oil
Salt - pepper - thyme
way to prepare shrimp Pizza : -
We prepare components Pizza Shrimps then we bring the frying pan and we fried shrimp out with a spoon butter and a pinch of salt and black pepper and set aside then in the pan itself cut red peppers to the commentators and fry in olive oil and add the garlic, salt and black pepper and stir until softened, then we Straighten the sauce on the dough pizza evenly, then add the sliced peppers and adorn the shrimp and sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese matrix and then sprinkle a little thyme and enter the shrimp pizza oven and after that the shrimp are cooked pizza out of the oven and cut shrimp pizza and progress.
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