chicken spaghetti

amounts chicken spaghetti : -
Chicken thighs diluents
500 g Spaghetti
Grated zucchini
Grated tomatoes
100 g black olives
3 tbsp oil
2 tablespoon olive oil
4 garlic cloves, crushed
Onion, sliced
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
Salt and black pepper - Curcuma
4 Green Pepper sweet grated
way to prepare chicken spaghetti : -
We prepare components chicken spaghetti and then we put salt and oil in boiling water and climb Spaghetti for 15 minutes and then placed in cold water and drain and sprinkle them olive oil and then heated oil and fry the chicken legs and add to it the garlic and onions, then add the vegetables, grated salt and pepper and turmeric, then add the tomato sauce and placed a little water until covered with chicken after cooking out chicken from the broth and let it on fire and then add to the broth olive and add the spaghetti and leaves even imbued with gravy completely and then put the chicken spaghetti in a serving dish and garnish chicken spaghetti olives section and hard-boiled eggs and serves chicken spaghetti .
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