cola cake recipe

Amounts of cola cake recipe : -
1 ready Cocoa Cake - Cola tray
2 bag powder dignified Whisking
1 bag caramel - 2 cubic soft cheese - a box synths
1 bag caramel - 2 cubic soft cheese - a box synths
cola cake recipe way : -
Cut the cake to cut display 1 cm and surveillance in Pyrex to cover the base are all preferred to use Pyrex small attends stones and added with cheese and cream and put the mixture on the cake and enters the refrigerator to cool down pours 3 \ 4 of the pack of cola in a saucepan and boil add the bag caramel and mix until bubbling pour the mixture placed on the cake in the refrigerator until the frosting with caramel and cola offers
cola cake recipe 2

Amounts of cola cake recipe : -
Pound Cake Ready - 2 bag powder dignified Whisking
4/3 cup milk - 8 cheese, fresh cut - 2 Cola
Tray cream - 2 bag powder creme caramel
How to prepare cola cake recipe : -
Pound Cake is placed in a serving dish mixed with fresh cream cheese with milk blender, then placed over the cake and put freezer put on the fire cola with decent caramel until the sauce placed on a heavy mixture placed former freezer again until the freeze last class
Pound Cake Ready - 2 bag powder dignified Whisking
4/3 cup milk - 8 cheese, fresh cut - 2 Cola
Tray cream - 2 bag powder creme caramel
How to prepare cola cake recipe : -
Pound Cake is placed in a serving dish mixed with fresh cream cheese with milk blender, then placed over the cake and put freezer put on the fire cola with decent caramel until the sauce placed on a heavy mixture placed former freezer again until the freeze last class
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