italian biscuits recipe

Italian biscuit recipe amounts : -
Quarter kilo accurate self- fermentation
3 tablespoons of corn flour - 6 tablespoons castor sugar
quarter teaspoon salt - 6 tablespoons butter - Egg yolk
3 tablespoons milk - cup raisins - castor sugar
Italian biscuit method of preparation : -
Sift the flour of both types in a suit kneading with salt and sugar , add the butter and mix the ingredients with your hands until you get a dough is homogeneous completely add egg yolk and milk and re- mixing amounts of new until you get a dough homogeneous extend the dough over the table sprinkled with a thin layer of flour in the form of a square piece of equal sizes cut into two parts , and then annotating the first part of raisins , and covers the second part of dough , and then compresses it handed to stick implemented wide-ranging dough extends slightly with a fork , then cut into squares of equal size transfer to oven tray painted with a thin layer of butter , let them ripen inside the oven reach a temperature of 200 ° C for 12 minutes and when mature soft sprinkle with sugar and Provides Italian biscuits.
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