
stuffed chicken recipes

                 stuffed chicken recipes

stuffed chicken recipes amounts : -

Chicken - a quarter kilo of minced meat
2 cups rice washed drenched - teaspoon cinnamon
One teaspoon black pepper fine - pine reddish
Salt - a tablespoon tomato sauce

stuffed chicken recipes way : -

Clean the chicken with water and lemon and set aside cooked rice, half-baked and set aside the volatility of the meat chopped and cooked with a pinch of salt and black pepper on fire and then set aside blush pine and then mixed rice with meat and pine nuts , black pepper, cinnamon and a pinch of salt stuffed chicken by mixing rice and close the chicken or sew Hen then paint the chicken sauce , oil and covered with tin and then placed in the oven and offers

                 stuffed chicken recipes

stuffed chicken recipes amounts : -

6 pieces of chicken drumsticks
Cup rice - a quarter kilo of meat grinder 
two tablespoons olive oil
Salt - seasoning - Chicken - Pepper 

How to prepare stuffed chicken recipes : -

Mix rice, meat, salt, pepper, pepper, oil, put a piece thigh chicken on paper, Silver, and put them a little of the mixture and then damage the paper silver and work the same thing in the rest of the pieces put them inside the Chinese and fill with water and set it on fire or oven until cooked

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