
roast chicken recipe

                  roast chicken recipe

amounts of roast chicken recipe : -

Big Fat Hen - 250 grams minced meat
Large onion , grated - 5 cloves garlic, minced
Tablespoon chopped parsley beer - a tablespoon basil
Minced mint green - teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon spices - a quarter teaspoon cinnamon
Tablespoon margarine - egg to knead 
dried basil , crushed - Paper Aluminum
Dried mint , crushed - coarsely crushed black pepper 
Mekdons dryer Rubbed coarsely

way to prepare roast chicken recipe : -

Abandoned the chicken from the bone cautiously and that both its back, evacuated from the temple and the femur with retained one-piece full and unfolded kneaded amounts of stuffing well and placed in the center of the chicken then sutured chicken and organized form of paint chicken ghee and Fragrances and damage tightly with aluminum foil pressing it again to settle their shape and placed in the oven dish suitable immerse in hot oven ( 220 degrees C) for one hour quench furnace and ignite the grill on the class quiet and open the paper from the face of the chicken even blush and gaining Luna delicious about half an hour , taking into account painted several times with fluid remaining and cover parts That blush quickly so as not to burn without to raise the chicken from the paper cut rings thickness of about 2 cm when completely cool and a knife is serrate and very steep before serving wraps aluminum foil seconds on the chicken and immerse it in the oven average to warm up a little bit or heated by the desire then lifted in a serving dish with paper drape around, and vegetables varied opportunities are around

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