
Pizza Pizza

Chicken Pizza - Pizza Hut - Pizza Dmenoz - Italian pizza 
Pizza Margita - Peroni Pizza - Pizza King - French Pizza

                      smoked chicken pizza recipes

Ingredients smoked chicken pizza: -

A box of ready-made pizza dough 
a can of tomato sauce cooked with garlic ready 
a box of smoked chicken and sliced 
Half a cup of grated cheese Kashkaval 
half a cup of grated cheddar cheese 
half a teaspoon of chili powder, red pepper 

How to prepare smoked chicken pizza: -

Preheat the oven at a high temperature of 400 Fahrenheit uniqueness of tomato sauce on the pizza dough and sprinkle the chicken strips covered with pizza cheese and cheddar Kashkaval and sprinkle with red pepper them bake oven for 13 to a quarter of an hour, or until the cheese melts and Ishqr

                         pizza hut recipes

Amounts of pizza hut: -

3 cups flour - a glass of water 
and a quarter of a small spoon of salt
2 teaspoon sugar - 2 tablespoons oil - Wheaton
2 tablespoons corn flour - 6 tablespoons Nido powder
Teaspoon baking powder - 2 tsp yeast
Quarter teaspoon garlic powder 
quarter teaspoon onion powder

How to prepare pizza hut : -

Confuse the water , sugar, salt, olive oil , sugar and yeast in a medium bowl to interact yeast and all the dry ingredients with some and confuse everyone and knead well for a period of from 8-10 minutes to be made up our soft dough , but not plastered hand cover it with a cloth wet a little bit and put it in a warm place for 45 minutes and then Nksmha to three Core equal and uniqueness of the surface sprinkled flour and leave at least 5 minutes before putting the ingredients by putting the tomato sauce and then put the ingredients of our favorite pepper in all colors and onions and mushrooms and tomatoes sliced ​​rings and olives and cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese And all the ingredients that we love

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