
rice biryani recipe

                    biryani rice recipe

Amounts of rice biryani : -

2 chickens skinned and cut - 3 tray yogurt
2 onions - 5 garlic cloves - spices - 3 cup rice

Method of preparation of biryani rice : -

Prepare rice biryani recipe components and then mixed the chicken with milk yogurt with cinnamon and cloves, and Hill and salt and leave for an hour blush onions until golden and set it garlic then lifted from the fire and the filtered oil is placed half the onions in a saucepan and add the turmeric powder, salt and chilli red with a spoonful of oil and then placed them mix chicken and put everyone on a low heat until cooked boiled rice, half a boil and then placed a layer of rice over mix the chicken and over half of the onion, the remaining are then placed a layer of rice again and put them saffron yet to solve the water and covered well and simmer turn the pot on a pie dish and decorate with almonds, raisins and pepper green.

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