
grilled shrimp recipe

Grilled shrimps grilled shrimps in shell oven grilled shrimps Sauce grilled shrimps in the amalgam and other ways to prepare grilled shrimp

shrimp recipe 

                               spicy grilled shrimp recipe

Ingredients spicy grilled shrimp : -

Kilo amid peeled shrimp - 2 tbsp brown sugar -1 / 4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoon dried basil - half a teaspoon of ground black pepper
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice - 2 tsp spices
2 tbsp minced garlic - 2 teaspoon red pepper

Method of preparation spicy grilled shrimp : -

Mix paprika , garlic, spices , Italian, and lemon juice and olive oil and pepper , basil and brown sugar together in a bowl until the ingredients mixed well stir shrimp in this mixture and must ensure equal distribution of the mixture covers the bowl and cool for two hours and then stir again when leaving protect the grill pan and bring out a few shrimp and filtered oil is placed in the pan under the grill oven or on the grill shrimp is placed in a tray that will be placed in the oven was a shrimp stir for 5 minutes or until fully mature and serve hot 

And enjoy recipes grilled shrimp

shrimp recipe

                               grilled shrimp in shell recipe

Ingredients grilled shrimp in shell : - 

Shrimp shell - pepper 
Ksberh green - dill - Garlic 
Flour - latency - Shatta - Salt and pepper 

How to prepare grilled shrimp in shell :- 

Cleans shrimp good apartment from the back and out sweat sand it and make sure it clean well minced peppers, coriander, dill, garlic and season with salt and pepper, spices and marinades by shrimp for a period of not less than two hours raises shrimp from the marinade and grilling on the grill or sheet that there is no grill and then compacted in a sheet and sprinkle with a little from the marinade and previous enters the oven for a few minutes and offers 

And enjoy recipes grilled shrimp

shrimp recipe 

                        grilled shrimp with soy sauce recipe

Ingredients grilled shrimp with soy sauce : - 

Kilo shrimp is skimmed crust - half a cup of olive oil 
A quarter cup of lemon juice - a quarter cup of soy sauce 
4 cloves garlic, crushed - a teaspoon of the mixture of spices 
Half a teaspoon of black pepper - a teaspoon of salt 

Method of preparation grilled shrimp with soy sauce : - 

Opens the back of the shrimp and sand tends artery and then mix all ingredients and leave in the refrigerator for two hours, grilled over charcoal and served with white rice and Garnish with parsley 

And enjoy recipes grilled shrimp

shrimp recipe

                               Grilled shrimp in the oven

Ingredients Grilled shrimp in the oven: -

2 celery paper - 2 sheets Ksberh or dill green
2 tbsp lemon juice - teaspoon cumin
Half a kilogram of large shrimp is peeled
Salt and pepper to taste - 2 lemon sliced
2 sliced ​​tomatoes - red chili pepper to taste
2 onions, sliced ​​- 4 cloves of garlic

Method of preparation Grilled shrimp in the oven: -

Cut garlic cloves and chili peppers into thick slices cleans shrimp and wash well , then season with salt and pepper , cumin and lemon juice and stir to mix well stacked onion slices in a tray or metal casserole to oven and placed celery and dill over compact shrimp over the vegetables and add the garlic and chili and distributes tomato slices and lemon Heat the oven to temperature 220 ​​° C and then placed in the oven and the Chinese are covered for 10 to 15 minutes and then lifted the lid and leave to cook for 10 more minutes And enjoy recipes grilled shrimp 

And enjoy recipes grilled shrimp

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